

is a difficult thing to have in this day and age. people tend to bend over backwards of others. in many ways. we either don't want to 'rock the boat', or we just don't want to piss anyone off. other times we are just 'passive aggressive' enough.

the email is a wonderful way to be passive aggressive. we are able to use different fonts, and bold our words without even talking to the person.

case in point...a place that i work has been sending me emails about some garbage paperwork that they want done. needless to say; i haven't done it, and will not be doing it. it is pointless. and frankly, i don't have the time.

however; the emails keep coming. mind you, no one has said anything to me personally. the last couple emails were in bold. so i guess that means that they are important. at least to them.

so i took my stand. i sent off my own email about my integrity. my beliefs. how pointless the corporate exercises are. that it is the instructor, and their love of the material that makes the class; not their paperwork.

so remember to stand up for your ideals. your beliefs. stand up to tyranny of any kind. not just to bitch, but because you really do have a point. and i could underline and bold the 'do' in that last sentence, but why bother...


1 comment:

Wa said...

Man...I thought this was going to be about the band...