
let's talk...

politics for just one post.

it's a hot year for the election. obama or mccain? the dnc has started. and from what i've just been informed by my wife that is a wonderful acronym for a female procedure that i don't even want to really know.

other questions...are the hillary supporters going to sign into the obama camp? did you see how hot chelsea is? i mean...really...she's hot.

what are the hot topics? healthcare? the war? the economy? what ever else you may think is important.

now...that being said one question remains in my mind when voting time comes...do i really want to align myself with this guy?...

this little midget of a politician. a rejected leprechaun. what the hell has he done for cleveland? nothing. all he has done is raise a lot of money from a lot of rich actors, and keep it. there has been no political spending of that money...ever wonder why you never hear or see one of his ads? it's because he keeps the money, and i believe that once he retires then he will have access to it. i believe so.

i regret that i have done you a major disservice. i saw him once in public. it was at a church festival. and i'm not much of a church going guy, so it would not have bothered me, but i should have 'what for'. and told him to f-himself.

so the moral and ethical issue that is the real question...are you able, in good conscious, to align yourself with him? i mean really...are you? if it could be guaranteed that he would be voted out of office, i really don't think i would care as much...i mean really...we're f'd no matter who gets in.

how about that for a 'too much beer' post? you'll never believe how many times i had to hit the spell check or re-type something.


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