
the swiss are...

a very...sexy[?] people. i think the word that i want to use is sexy. i'm not sure.

i've been introduced to a couple of swiss companies lately, and they all seem to have very sexy people 'modeling' their product. and it is where sex really isn't relevant.

this is one example...

how does this want me to buy your clothing?

this picture is taken from a cycling company called assos

here is one of a man, who is so aloof about what he is wearing he has no time for you...

now to assos' credit; they make great stuff, and i love their slogan- 'sponsor yourself.' the best cycling clothes i ever put on. they are very expensive, but that may be because they have to pay their models. just look at them, these people don't ride bikes. that is just some archaic form of transportation. do you think these models would actually break a sweat? not in public anyway.

which moves us to another swiss company. my other big hobby is the yo-yo. my collection is growing. well i picked up a yo-yo by a company called hspin. i went to their website to check out the company, get more information about them, and maybe some yo-yo tips. what do i find?


and this...

these are yo-yo's, not some sexy dress, or something. who plays with yo-yo's? geeks like me. not sexy models. i'm sure if i went to a 'hip' bar in town, pulled out my hspin yo-yo, and did some tricks that would really impress the ladies. i'd have two chicks on each arm. hell ya.

hot chicks never made me pick up a product. much less a piece of cycling gear or a yo-yo. i love the marketing game.


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