
a govermental question...

a lot of politicians are lawyers. why? not so much why are they lawyers, but why do we vote them (lawyers) into office? there is a stigma about lawyers. they are not well liked. however there are some really good ones out there, but the majority of people do not like them. why? when is the only time you see a lawyer? when you are in trouble. that’s it. a good lawyer is like a good mechanic, when you find one, you hold on to them.

so what is wrong with them? what do they do for you? they argue for your 'truth.' not the truth, but your truth. there is a difference. which means that they will argue for their truth. so why vote in somebody you don't trust right off the bat?

solution? who am i to say? opinion...let's get platonic...how about a philosopher? not me, i don't want that responsibility; however hobbes would say i would be the ideal choice just for that fact.

but anyway...who does the politician deal with? what is the state composed of? people. the individual. and who tries to understand the individual, much less society more than the philosopher. hobbes started the leviathan with an understand of man before the government. from the individual grew the state. what does the lawyer understand? laws. contracts. and ways to bend them into their own favor.

and remember...don't vote on morality, but the issue. more on these things later...


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