

how? why? god vs. creationism. note: not darwinism. darwin believed in god. he wanted to figure out 'how' god worked. darwin's theory does not negate god. so all you atheist that put on your neat little sticker about no god and darwin...you're a walking contradiction. read a book.

to my point...why are these things debated in school on which to teach? our schools are there to teach what we are able to 'know' (let's not get on this point of knowledge); and the point is that we don't 'know'. god goes in the nice little religion category, and evolution is not a 'hard' absolute. should these things be offered as possibilities? yes. in grammar school? no. maybe in some high school class. now obviously; if your child attends a religious school, then have it.

while this debate continues...what we do know about creation is being lost in our schooling system. the creation of the human being. we cut sex eduction down to nothing. why? religion? well...shouldn't you know or at least have an idea of how the human body works? what happens when the sperm meets the egg? this stuff we know. why do we 'cut' this out of our educational system?

'let them fend for themselves' becomes the cry of the religious. ignorance is bliss. ignorance will get you into trouble. situations that you are not ready for. however; don't get the wrong idea here, i'm not for handing out condoms at school either. first, i believe in capitalism. let them go out and buy them themselves. second, knowledge is what i am for. for them to understand the consequences of their actions. (listen to me, talking about consequences...like a little utilitarian...um; that brings up an interesting question, is the virtue ethicist concerned with the consequences? another day, another post) instead the birth rate goes up among girls. babies having babies.

eduction. knowledge. consequences.


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