question in class yesterday, what if we are able to scientifically prove and understand everything in our universe, would god be needed?
a brave student said, no. that the only reason god is there to explain away the unexplainable.
that is exactly the 'god problem' (i guess i use quotes, because i wonder if there really is a problem, or if i'm just coining a phrase here). the question of the existence of god. and this is something that science and theology has to deal with.
as we gain/progress in our knowledge/understanding of the universe; where does god fit into all of this?
and this is where the theologians/religious get upset. and maybe they should be. science is in essence explaining away god. there doesn't become a need. nietzsche is right...god is dead, and we killed him (shout that one out in class and see the looks you get from students passing by the
in the attempts to understand our existence, our universe comes the multiverse.
however; what i don't how and why some christians are 'o.k.' with this. robin collins looks at it like this; "imagines far-flung civilizations in the multiverse all in need of salvation and a multiplicity of Christs who would change forms to meet each universe’s redemptive needs." what?
if the bible is the 'be all, end all'; i do not remember reading anything in there about multiply universe theory.
my head is hurting from the contradictions at play.
anyway...the multiverse is a pretty cool idea; not sure i buy it, but cool none-the-less.
i raised the...
after a few...
adult beverages tonight, and some painting that needs to get done soon; i'm wondering why the music of today sucks a big fat baby's butt? really. why? why does it suck so bad? even the stuff that i listen to that has come out...say; in the last ten years, really isn't that good.
i'm listen to a bunch of queen stuff, and not the 'greatest hits' stuff...i'm just jumping around to songs and albums, and it's all good. and i really don't think that you are able to make an argument against the first two albums. at all. none.
the music. the passion of mercury. wow. amazing.
when musicians cared about making good music. passionate music. not the dollar...the music.
shit...what am i going to do with my daughter? i guess, i'll just have to raise her right; on a steady diet of slayer, queen, cash, who else...; but those are good starts...
or as some call it, a waste. i join, because of an 'evil' friend of mine tempted me to, and i did. i really don't do anything with it, but i figure that it will become good outlet for my philosophical counseling gig, as soon as that gets up and running some more. however; this brings me to my point...
through facebook the 'group' as been created for (this being the link for my website, not facebook group). now through this group i intend to convey information regarding my 'public' philosophy meetings, services, and just get some discussions going through the site (to use that as a forum page). some people have joined the group; which is great. i posted a date for a meeting, and i run into a friend of mine who is also a member of the group; and he asked me what this meeting thing was about. i asked...don't you read what the group is about? i go on to explain about what the group is for, and what i 'do', as it were.
so do people just join groups on facebook, and not read what they are about? just to 'join' something. to become a part of something.
this happens on the bike shop group too. i wanted to get a ride together at ray's. so i posted the idea, and just one person responds. a friend of mine, so we just talked about it amongst ourselves.
but what then becomes the purpose of these groups, if no one reads them, contributes to them, understands them? why bother? it's like people just join these things to satisfy their own egoistic intentions. 'what's on your mind?' oh...i've got to tell everybody this...i'm going to bed. who cares? is it important? no.
egoistic intentions. self-gratifying.
if it works the way that it is intended to work; then bravo. until then; i'm not so sure...
this parlays into an ethics idea that i've been playing with, but more on that at a later date...
how? why? god vs. creationism. note: not darwinism. darwin believed in god. he wanted to figure out 'how' god worked. darwin's theory does not negate god. so all you atheist that put on your neat little sticker about no god and're a walking contradiction. read a book.
to my point...why are these things debated in school on which to teach? our schools are there to teach what we are able to 'know' (let's not get on this point of knowledge); and the point is that we don't 'know'. god goes in the nice little religion category, and evolution is not a 'hard' absolute. should these things be offered as possibilities? yes. in grammar school? no. maybe in some high school class. now obviously; if your child attends a religious school, then have it.
while this debate continues...what we do know about creation is being lost in our schooling system. the creation of the human being. we cut sex eduction down to nothing. why? religion? well...shouldn't you know or at least have an idea of how the human body works? what happens when the sperm meets the egg? this stuff we know. why do we 'cut' this out of our educational system?
'let them fend for themselves' becomes the cry of the religious. ignorance is bliss. ignorance will get you into trouble. situations that you are not ready for. however; don't get the wrong idea here, i'm not for handing out condoms at school either. first, i believe in capitalism. let them go out and buy them themselves. second, knowledge is what i am for. for them to understand the consequences of their actions. (listen to me, talking about a little; that brings up an interesting question, is the virtue ethicist concerned with the consequences? another day, another post) instead the birth rate goes up among girls. babies having babies.
eduction. knowledge. consequences.
quick religious...
coming from a christian point of view...if we are born with 'original sin', and we are still 'paying' for that sin; getting baptized is a way of 'helping' with that, then in some way we are still paying for the sins of adam and eve. a sin that i, personally, had nothing to do with.
so then shouldn't the catholic church still be paying for their sins? forced conversion. the inquisition. the corruption.
coming from a catholic; the answer will be no. i've heard arguments that because that 'was in the past' was adam and eve. that the church is truly 'sorry'...well; so am i (provided i was part of this tradition). and didn't christ die for our sins?
so why do we 'pay' (again, coming from the catholic position) for the sins of the past? am i my brother's keeper?
man, there are a lot of quotes in this post.
have a huge affect on us. depending on the image it is able to invoke happiness, joy, sadness, anger, etc...
dealing specifically with religious images. i would say these are the most powerful images. often spurned by the overwhelming feeling that the religion brings. being overwhelmed by the 'spirit'; as they say.
anger. the anger that is invoked by the religious symbol not being 'treated' as the religious would prefer.
the 'desecration' of mohammad, christ; often upset the religious person. the naming of a teddy bear mohammad. the countless artistic images of christ that the christians protest against. their claim of disrespect. it is funny to me. funny in the sense that they take their religious ideology so seriously, that they believe other to do the same. however; i have one question...
what about the buddha? there are far more images of the buddha in a not so acceptable/appropriate/proper light. images that are not favorable in the buddhist tradition.
the bar in cleveland (if it is still around); the funky buddha. the buddha did not look favorable upon such behavior; getting drunk, and 'whoring' around. there is a bar in vegas that has three images of the buddha, one covering his eyes, another covering his ears, and last covering his mouth. see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil. what happens in vegas mentality. once again...this is in direct contradiction of the buddhist beliefs.
why don't buddhist get angry about such images? as a buddhist...why don't i get angry? maybe it is the tradition that i accept. the lessons taught. the ideology that i accept as truth. i just shake my head, and say to's not for them to get, and they maybe never will.
and people think that there is something wrong with buddhist. i don't remember hearing anything about the buddhist starting a war, forced conversion (which brings up the validity of the religions that were 'spread' that way...are they valid, or is it just something that you've grown up with...another post, for another day). what's wrong with us? there is no violence in the tradition. no hatred. is that what is wrong with us? is this the fact that other people can't relate to?
so please accept my apologies for not hating you; starting a war with you; getting mad at your non-understanding of the tradition; getting angry when you mis-represent an image of my religious beliefs.
so from the 'fat happy guy' and myself...
i just want it...
known...i am not a fan of red tape; 'corporate' ideology; all the crap that one has to go through just to do their job; which they enjoy.
i've been reading a lot charles sanders peirce's work, and his ideas are getting to me. he states: 'there is no royal road to logic, and really valuable ideas can only be had at the price of close attention. but i know that in the matter of ideas the public prefer the cheap and nasty...'
reason is out the window. thought has become secondary, or as he calls it decorative. '...if questions of conduct are alone to interest us. they, therefore, demand that it shall be plain and facile. if, in special cases, complicated reasoning is indispensable, they hire a specialist to preform it. the result of this state of thing is, of course, a rapid deterioration of intellectual vigour, very perceptible from one generation to the next. this is just what is taking place among us before our eyes; and to judge from the history of constantinople, it is likely to go on until the race comes to a despicable end.'
is there any hope?
as i type this, i am taking an 'harassment' 'course' for one of my teaching positions. i guess this is the face of corporate america. cover your ass. that becomes the name of the game. reason has left the building.
at other places...policies are changed without any knowledge of them. not due to anything on my part. just as i want to do something; which i've always's become an 'oh, by the way...' scenario. thanks guys for the memo. no instead i get memos to look above my mailbox for packages.
this has gone on longer that i expected...i guess i ought to pay attention to my harassment 'training'...