
since i run...

on a mac, i do not have any 'entertainment' on my computer. all you pc users know what i'm talking about...the hours playing solitaire and the like. and i'm not one to go out and buy games for my computer.

well in my time of watching tv, i came across the usa network arcade for some down time of playing such games. and they want you to create an avatar. which in and of itself has an odd connotation for me. just getting into hinduism and the avatar's of vishnu; which represents 'real' forms of vishnu; and here we (as humans) create false images of ourselves, or at least how we perceive ourselves. which may or may not be a false reality. but what is real, but what affects us; then it is real. but then what happens when the two realities meet, or get blurred? whoa, sorry for the tangent...

anyway...this is the little guy i came up with over at wee world (which is the site they take you to to create this false image of yourself, and yes, i said false) yeah, i get bored sometimes...

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Wa said...

You won't buy games for you computer? But you buy games for consoles...or did...

Didn't we have this discussion about reality before? Or one very like it? About how all conceptions of reality are in a sense "virtual" in that they are subjective constructs unique to each individual? And don't we in a sense create avatars in everyday life? Is the Hamad who teaches the same as the Hamad who goes to taco night with me? Or are they tweaked avatars run by the same intelligence? And how is the creation of an avatar the creation of something "false" by default? Why is a avatar of Vishnu a real avatar of Vishnu and the avatar you create to interact with people on the digital plane not a real avatar of you?

hamad said...

yeah, but i just wanted to show off my avatar...