Exchange traded funds might be one option. Or just go to the bank and tell them that you want to cash out your savings account for euros. I guess you'd have to find an int'l bank to put it back into then, so it stays in euros. Or just bury it in the backyard - the Bank of Me.
Bullocks. We are going to the Treehouse and getting those $26 shots again with our rebate checks...
hell, that's all i'm able to drink anymore is hard liquor.
I agree - save the money (but be sure to convert it to Euros first, and bury it in the backyard), or buy entirely illegal items with it.
how they hell do you 'invest' in the euro anyway? i wouldn't mind trying that.
Exchange traded funds might be one option. Or just go to the bank and tell them that you want to cash out your savings account for euros. I guess you'd have to find an int'l bank to put it back into then, so it stays in euros. Or just bury it in the backyard - the Bank of Me.
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