
i don't need...

to put any links, or anything about the shooting that happened in cleveland about a week ago. we all know. it was and is a bad situation. this problem is not going away anytime soon. during the week of the shooting i was listening to a couple of local talk show host (which will remain nameless), and they gave their 'possible' solutions.

one..."let the teachers have guns." since this is my profession...this thought has gone through my head. do i like it? no. not one bit. i should not have to wonder which kid is going to loose it in class, and that i'll have to 'take 'em out'. i should just teach.

two..."get the guns out of the hands of the kids." how? guns will be made. they will be sold on the street. the only thing that will change will be the price. supply and demand. the price will go up. if the kid wants a gun, he'll get a gun. period.

to solve this problem, we need to look at the cause of the problem. not the effect. to this others argue that in these situations there was no father/father figure. some say that we need to 'keep the family intact.' well...sometime people fuck, and have kids. there are many more cases of single parents raising children...successfully. obviously there are situations that the kids really are not wanted, or loved by the parent/parents, and the kid just repeats the past. in this case the child does need a figure to look up to. be it a teacher. a person of the cloth. or whom ever. however this is not the road i want to go down here.

back to what i want to say here...you have to stop it before it becomes a problem. you didn't have these things happening fifteen years ago. why? i would argue that it is the psychology that the children are being brought up to 'believe.' the psychology that states that 'you're a winner, no matter what.' the psychology that states at a little league game 'that you can have as many swings at the ball until you get a hit.' the psychology that states 'you get a time out.'

none of this is working. this type of thinking is turning the kids into anti-social members of society. that once they meet that person that states 'you're not a winner'; they don't know how to deal with that. the person that states 'hey, jackass, three strikes, and you're out.' what? 'i didn't hit the ball yet?' the one who states 'you're fired.'

the kids have grown up to believe one thing, and now their 'worldview' is being rejected by everybody else. what does this do to not only a kid, but anybody? their comes a psychological breakdown. they either start racking up the therapy bills, and prescription bills; or they go off on the ones who are rejecting them.

the psychology that parents instill into their kids minds needs to change. i was taught at a very young age by my father that 'everybody else is an asshole.' basically don't listen to all these other people, and what they say. don't let it affect you. another great one from dad was that 'opinions are just like assholes...everybody's got one.'

and this is just one asshole to another...something has to change in this culture's psychology. tell your kid that they've done a shitty job. that they need to do better. spank their ass, when they fuck up. not beat. i got my ass smack once. once. that's all it takes.

i don't have kids, so you may be saying 'what the hell do you know?' well i know that when sculpting clay, you can't go back and 're-shape' the base once it is out of the oven. the same applies to kids. you can't 're-mold' a child once they are past a certain stage in life. you have to start when they are able to be molded. i've seen way too many parents trying to discipline their kids way after the fact. and it doesn't work.

i firmly believe that the child is a product of what you put into it. and how you put it in. childern are beautiful little sponges, that soak up everything they perceive. the product is as only good as to what you put in.

with palms together...



Annette said...

Good post, Paul!

I agree it's just about all on the parents, not only the parents of the kids being ridiculed by others but also the parents of the bullies who are picking on kids.

I was picked on in grade school but at home and with my friends I had respect and decent relationships. I know going to school and whacking your classmates is extreme but I can see if a kid where never taught self esteem at home that they really could go in and blow the class away. Your pops was right --- opinions are like assholes.

So are today's parents too self-absorbed to pay attention to what's happening to their kids? Where does the problem stem from do you think?

Good clay analogy, that's exactly what forming a person when they're a child is like.

hamad said...

thanks annette.

i believe that part of the problem comes from the fact that people have kids for the wrong reasons. let me make this analogy...ever go to a wedding and you begin to ask yourself 'why are they getting married?' and most often times it comes down to the fact that they 'had nothing else better to do with their time' syndrome.

same reason. one goes to the other 'let's have kids.' 'o.k.' usually the woman to the man. maybe a feeling of something lacking in their lives. my response is to get a dog.

however, i also call it the barbie syndrome. now, i don't know if that is even out there, but it's a term i use to talk about those who get caught up in such a fansty world, that when they get older, that's what they perceive to be, or at least want to be real. so they try to live out this fantsy world, with no real meaning behind it. no real love or care being put into it. a type of 'look at me, i am able to spread my legs, and pop out a kid' ideal.

another example...i love my wife very much. more than anything. so when we decided to get married it was going to be about the love that we have for each other, not the church (even though we didn't get married at a church) or what gown she had on, or what monkey suit i was wearing, or some tradition of cutting of the cake crap. it was about her and i, and the love that we have for each other the those who we care about, to join us in that celebration. not some 'meaningless' words from st. paul.

i'm going to tie in the reigns there. i could go on a lot longer.


Unknown said...

I thought this was an interesting article from a few days ago that fits in the discussion somewhere.


Sorry I could not figure out how to put a hyperlink in a comment...