
now the...

gorillas are endangered. oh, i'm sorry...'critically endangered'. why does this amuse me in a sense?

it is my perception that it is the left who wants to 'save' all the animals. to save the environment. without letting the environment 'do its thing.' to go through its cycle. to, in a sense, take care of itself.

now they also hold the belief to 'get rid of god'. to remove any and all religious connotation in our language. i often see the little darwin 'fish' on the back bumper of cars, and i chuckle to myself. news flash...darwin wasn't an aethist. in fact he stated that he wanted to understand how god worked through evolution. but i digress.

the point is...if you want to hold on to darwin, then let the planet do its thing. or go to a biblical view that the world is only about six thousand years old, and try to 'hang onto' everything you are able to, because it is god's creation.

oh, by the way, in about ten thousand years...we're going to lose niagara falls due to the water eroding the rock.

the extreme left is fun...



Unknown said...

We let thousands be slaughtered in Darfur and yet worry about the gorillas. How many thousands of loggers lost their jobs in Oregon over the spotted owl? I wonder about our priorities sometimes. Conservation does have its place. We just have to be smart about it...

hamad said...
