
now this...

picture must upset p.e.t.a....

i mean just look at my cat. she seems so abused. neglected. being treated 'unethically.'

animals are not to be used for 'food, clothing, entertainment...'

you know it's funny. i tried looking in their 'annual review' section to see if i was able to find what they spend their money on, besides commercials; like how much they spend in euthanasiaing animals. yes, they do do this. however; i was unable to find out, but i sure found out where to send my money.

i was watching a special one day on one of the 'learning' channels [i forget which one], but it was on cats. by the end of the special they were talking about feline aids, and how their bodies react differently to the aids virus than ours. in researching this, it may help bring about a possible solution to the aids virus in humans. now is that a bad thing?

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