
is she guilty...

for killing an avatar? here's one for 'what is real?'

in tokyo a woman is jailed after she 'killed' her 'ex-husband's' (man i don't know how to put this), now this was her husband in the virtual world; avatar after their virtual divorce.

if it is 'real' then there are 'real' consequences for our actions.

do i need to resort to my mindlessness comments?

humanity is doomed.



stop it...

stop thinking. stop conceiving. stop categorizing. stop understanding. they'll do it all for you.

‘for the consumer there is nothing left to classify, since the classification has already been preempted by the schematism of production.’ -horkheimer & adorno from their book dialectic of enlightenment.

free thought has gone the way of the dodo. you don't have to make the connections anymore. others will do it for you. you don't have to 'connect the dots', they'll do that for you. you don't have to make sense of the propositions; what they mean, what they say, what their intentions are...it has already been done for you. you are free to be original, as long as you conform to a given standard.

buckle up...i'm going on a ride...

fashion...girls are wearing snow boots in class, it's fifty degrees outside. i asked a student why? fashion. you look dumb. follow the heard cow. and can you image how their feet smell by being in those boots all day while its still semi-warm outside?

i attend a mandatory meeting at the start of the semester, and there is a guest speaker talking about the ills of standardized testing, and how critical thinking skills are gone; meanwhile she is promoting a standard for 'testing' this skill. although she didn't use these words. the word she used escapes now in my rage. i walked out.

on the television today there was a piece on the 'news' (because its not really news) about how we need to understand what old people are going through. so we put you in a class and show you what they are experiencing. this is done through the use of over sized gloves, funny glasses (which reproduces glaucoma). this is done because you are not smart enough to sit back and pay attention to what they are experiencing. the difficulty that they are having. i unfortunately, do not have my grandparents around anymore; however, when i did, i payed attention to what they were going through. what their life was like, and i saw the frustration. the pain. and at times the confusion. i don't need some fuck tard, some brainless fuck...telling me that what people go through as your body breaks down, changes...sucks. and especially if you are a nurse (and that's who these classes are geared to) you shouldn't need it either, and if you do...GET OUT. you shouldn't be taking care of anyone, not even a dog. you poor mindless bastard.

next story...the women's conference. just another name for sexism. yeah, i said it. because you know damn well that if i were to hold a men's conference i'd be called a sexist pig. here's your double standard. once you see and read the word 'women's' blank, this is code. code to promote the inequality between the sexes. not equality. which i am for. equality amongst people. this is the promotion that one sex is better than the other. i know i'd get the response 'you don't know what it's like to be a woman.' well, you don't know what it's like to be a bat. (this is in reference to thomas nagel's piece called 'what is it like to be a bat.)

culture, what culture? movies? suck. movies are safe. safe in regards to that they'll only be made that it is a sure thing to make money. movies are made after...best selling books. why? because they're best selling books. there is already a fan base. comic books. fan base. video games. fan based. where is the originality? gone. conform. movies the resemble 'real life'; just to make it that much harder to distinguish the two. to justify your existence. that others feel the same. go through the same thing. conform. [side note...i put cyclecross handlebars on my road bike. over the summer i loaned it to a guy, and he said that they were so comfortable (hence why i use them on everything i ride with a drop bar); and he goes to me, i'll have to put them on my cross bike. well, if they're so comfortable why not put them on your road bike too? conform jackass.] from here i won't even get into music...on ward...

last night i finally watched a documentary i had on the father of deconstructionism jacques derrida; and i learned something about myself...i don't want to be a famous philosopher. i watched and listened to how people treat him. just in awe of him. asking these pompous questions of his work. some people coming up to him after he gave a talk, that he just cleared so much up from some of his work. there are two mindless beings here. one; the person reading the work. if you can't make sense of it, maybe you shouldn't be reading it. two; derrida. pierce stated (i'm paraphrasing) that if you are unable to state your idea or proposition clearly, then you don't have a clear idea of what you are speaking about. don't try to confuse people with unclear rhetoric, just to make you look smart and intelligent. you are not. i however got a sense that he himself hated it. what was going on. and maybe he did. maybe after he dies there'll be a manuscript of how he was fucking with everyone. just because i saw glimpse of how in his daily life, he contradicts his philosophy. you could say, that's its just philosophy. but if you believe the universe to act or be such a way, then wouldn't you live by the way it is? understanding the lives of some philosophers...they have. integrity.

the other day i hear on the radio that certain people (which will remain nameless) are offended by the term 'black hole'. that 'devils food cake' is a racist term. what? you know what offends me? blatant ignorance. blatant mindlessness.

it's sad that i have to make 'rules' in my class, that i have to state that i do not want to see a cell phone in class. because students will just text away underneath their desk; during class. and honestly, i could care less if they fail or not (this is only because the ones that do, are); however i find it a blatant show of disrespect. to me. to the class. mindlessness.

this has become a culture of coddling. that's our culture. individualistic coddling. don't worry about anything, they'll take care of you. the culture. the leaders. the authority. they'll take care of you. now just go vote for the one that will take care of you. and don't worry. don't work, or put forth effort to achieve anything. let me provide the answers for you, to you. i often paraphrase nietzsche in my classes and state; that worth having is not easily gotten. and then i often get a glazed look (like that of a freshly killed turkey, or cow; yeah, lets go with the cow) of confusion. their 'mind' is trying to process what just came out of my mouth.

what does it mean to be human? in essence; what sets us apart from the animals? the mind reason. when that is not present, you're just a chuck of meat; a cow.

i've been reading my uncle's new book lately (i'm only a couple of chapters in), and you know...i haven't found a thing i disagree with. and i'm sure that is part of the reason for this long ideological rant.

in summary...do something to piss off the conformed. the mundane. a quick example...i rode my bike up to the bmv to get my tags, and the lady behind the counter was looking at me with suck contempt. was it because she is fat and lazy? and i'm not? maybe. i rode my bike to drop off my recycles. and a guy who was doing the same (dropping off his recycles) stated to me, you've got to admire a guy riding his bike to recycle. my response was, you've got to do what you can.

move away from the mundane. from conformity. from mindlessness.



since i run...

on a mac, i do not have any 'entertainment' on my computer. all you pc users know what i'm talking about...the hours playing solitaire and the like. and i'm not one to go out and buy games for my computer.

well in my time of watching tv, i came across the usa network arcade for some down time of playing such games. and they want you to create an avatar. which in and of itself has an odd connotation for me. just getting into hinduism and the avatar's of vishnu; which represents 'real' forms of vishnu; and here we (as humans) create false images of ourselves, or at least how we perceive ourselves. which may or may not be a false reality. but what is real, but what affects us; then it is real. but then what happens when the two realities meet, or get blurred? whoa, sorry for the tangent...

anyway...this is the little guy i came up with over at wee world (which is the site they take you to to create this false image of yourself, and yes, i said false) yeah, i get bored sometimes...

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the dream...

that was believed to be true.  ever have one of these?  i don't want to sound like the opening chapter to descartes meditations, and i don't want to get all epistemological here; but rather point to something else.

i had a dream last night, where as the dream was proceeding, i was feeling guilty for what i was doing.  i knew this was a dream.  i knew it wasn't happening in the waking world.  and i make this statement because we are then able to get into what constitutes 'real'.  and to just touch base on this; real may be considered what affects you, and that doesn't necessarily have to be the 'waking world'.  my favorite example (even though it is tiring on me) is star wars; a fictional movie, yet has 'influenced' so many in their beliefs.  jedi is a legitimate religion in britain, i'm pretty sure.

back to it...however i was feeling guilt from a dream.  for me this brings up the question; where does this guilt come from? 

because if 'x' where to happen, there would be 'real' guilt.  'real' in the waking world.  that it would effect and affect others.

so where then does this notion of right and wrong, good and bad, ethics 'bubble up' from?  are notions of ethics innate?  internal?  objective?  mind-independent? 

because in my dream, i am under no social pressures.  no external factors.  so moral value coming from 'within', internal, objective, internalism.  just the self.

because what was 'real' was the guilt.  the feeling.  the notion that a wrong was committed.  without the 'judgment' of others.


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