people doing 'reality' web...
i'm not one for reality tv, but this is sad; at least 'reality' tv is not reality. obviously people like to watch people going through life. 'hey, look, she eating.' voyeurism taken to the next level? or maybe just a different level. man people are in trouble. no wonder i'm having a desire to read extentialism recently.
get this...
there's a hole...
in the universe? this just confuses me. a hole in space? not a black hole, but a hole.
view of...
i have added to my view of perfection. some say that perfection is an impossibility, i on the other hand say it is not. for if it was an impossibility, then why would we strive for better? what ever better may be?
my view is simple and two fold...
one: right now, this moment, is perfect; for it is unable to be anyother way.
two: dealing with the physical world; perfection then becomes taking that physical thing to it's limit of workability.
simply, right? however as i realize...a theory of simplicity is anything but.
i hate. it is not that i 'hate' them, but rather the mis-use of them. there are certain words that are used that seem to have this 'mysticism' around them, or are used in a sense that projects them to be something much bigger than they are. is there a need for a type of essentialism? sure. we need to understand what we are saying. the concepts that we are using in our language. is there an objective language? or an objective meaning to the rest of the world? no. however in the same sense we need to 'know' or understand what others are saying.
will there ever be absolute clear concepts? no. but again, we need to have some sort of general conception of what we mean by the words we use. this digs into my anti-essence essentialism view point. but this is not my aim here.
onto the task at hand...clearing up some definitions.
one: phenomena -this word has taken on a stigma that something 'extra-ordinary' is happening. in fact all it deals with is that physical objects are 'happening', or in some sense is something that you experience through your sensory experience. so as i sit here typing, that is a phenomena; just as much as some big 'event' going on. this is not a super extra-special word.
two: cynic -in todays sense it has come to imply insensitivity. however it is said that one day Socrates was in the market in athens and was looking at all the wares that were being sold, and he said "what a lot of things i don't need." this statement then became the motto for the cynic school of philosophy founded by antisthenes; where true happiness was not found in the material of this world; and thus could be attained by everyone.
these are the words that have been bothering me recently. if more come up, i'll put them up.
simpons me...
thanks to d i made an avatar of myself over at the simpsons movie site (which my wife said does look like me, if i were in the simpsons), and ended up playing the games most of the day at work on sunday. the site is mighty addicting. thanks, d.